City of York Council

Committee Minutes


Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport


21 February 2023


Councillors D'Agorne

In attendance

James Gilchrist - Director of Transport,

Planning and Environment

Dave Atkinson - Head of Highways and


Darren Hobson - Traffic Management Team


Peter Marsland - Traffic Projects Officer

Jon Hunter - North Yorkshire Police



53.           Declarations of Interest (10:01)


The Executive Member was asked to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal interests, not included on the Register of Interests, or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests that he might have had in respect of business on the agenda. He confirmed he had none.





54.           Minutes (10:01)


Resolved:  That the minutes of the Decision Session of the Executive Member for Transport and Planning held on 17 January 2023 be approved and signed by the Executive Member as a correct record.





55.           Public Participation (10:02)


It was reported that there had been eight registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Andy Hagon, who was a Parish Councillor, spoke on agenda item 4 - Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order Amendments, namely on the proposed 30mph speed limit on Shipton Road. He explained that residents favoured the reduction to improve safety and reduce noise pollution, amongst other factors, before raising questions regarding the signage and enforcement of the reduction.


Jonathan Laverack, who was the Chair of the Elvington Parish Council, spoke on the traffic issues through Elvington and on Sutton Bridge, B1228. He stated that the increased speed of vehicles and number of HGVs has had negatively impacted the area and incidents were occurring daily. He asked the Council to impose a 7.5 ton weight limit by adopting an experimental traffic regulation order in Elvington to restrict HGVs passing through the village and to protect Sutton Bridge.


Laurence Gunson, who was the Chair of Naburn Parish Council, also spoke on agenda item 4. He spoke in support of the Officer’s proposed 30mph speed limit in Naburn and listed safety as the main concern for residents. He also noted safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists due to narrow pathways and roads.


Gwen Swinburn spoke on governance matters and raised issues regarding the Council’s consultations process, the ResPark scheme and administrative issues. She also asked the Executive Member to consider creating a pocket park on the triangular area on West Esplanade.


Andrew Mortimer spoke on the Hull Road resurfacing issue. He explained that the planned resurfacing had again been delayed and asked whether the plan to use a surface dressing treatment was still appropriate. He also asked what the Council’s plan was to deal with the poor road conditions from the Black Bull on Hull Road down to Lawrence Street.


Councillor Widdowson presented a petition, which was signed by over 800 residents of Woodthorpe and Foxwood. It backed the campaign to retain a bus service for communities currently served by the number 12 bus and called for the Government help needed to ensure the service’s long term viability. She then explained the importance of the bus for the residents and stated that there needs to be a long term solution to the bus services.


Rachael Shilitoe, who was the secretary of York City Rowing Club, spoke on agenda item 5 - Parking on the riverside at West Esplanade TRO. She stated that the club welcomed the new restrictions but stated that this would not be enough due to the lack of compliance and enforcement in the area. She also explained that there was a concern of how the proposals would affect the running of the club, its events and the loading and unloading of boats, before asking about the parking of trailers in the area.


Councillor Vassie also spoke on the traffic issues on Sutton Bridge, B1228. He stated that HGVs regularly drive over the Grade II listed bridge and have previously damaged it. He also explained that the HGVs were likely to be causing damage to the water pipes on the approach to the bridge. He asked the Council to impose a 7.5 ton weight limit by adopting an experimental traffic regulation order to restrict HGVs passing through the village while engineers assess the condition of the bridge.


It was reported that there had been two written representation received by the Executive Member.


Councillors Orrell, Runciman and Cullwick wrote in regards to agenda item 4. They welcomed the revised speed limit of 30mph on North Lane, Huntington, and asked that the 30mph signs be moved to reduce speeds. They also stated that measures were being considered to address speeding issues on these roads, including a Pelican Crossing and VAS signs.


Councillor Stuart Mowbray, Acting Chair of Sutton upon Derwent Parish Council, wrote in regards to traffic issues on B1228 and Sutton Bridge. They explained that HGVs were creating safety concerns for residents and that the road and bridge are unsuitable for them. They requested that a 7.5t weight limit be imposed on vehicles crossing the bridge.






56.           Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order Amendments (10:29)


The Executive Member considered a report which examined the representations received, in support of and objections to, advertised proposals to amend speed limits. The Director of Transport, Highways and Environment and the Traffic Projects Officer presented the report and a North Yorkshire Police representative was present to answer questions.


The Traffic Projects Officer then presented each location that had a revised speed limit. The Executive Member discussed the revised speed limits and approved the Officer recommendations listed in the report for each site, but noted that the A19 Shipton Road, Rawcliffe, Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) be approved on the basis that it would commence at the same time as the Active Travel Scheme measures for a crossing. For A1079 Dunnington, it was requested that speed surveys for other lengths of the A1079 were undertaken, to respond to the Parish Council request for 40mph speed limit between Grimston Bar and Kexby. At the Towthorpe site, the Executive Member asked Officers to consult with Parish Councillors to gather further speed data before the start of the ETRO as well as during the period to inform future decisions.



     i.        That the revised speed limit as advertised for the following sites be implemented:

·        The Hollies, Stockton on the Forest             20mph

·        Northfield Lane, Poppleton                           30mph                                                                

·        North Lane, Huntington                                 30mph

·        Wheldrake Lane, Elvington                           30mph

·        Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe                       40mph

·        Askham Bryan site 1                                      30mph

·        Askham Bryan site 2                  40mph and 30mph

·        Wheldrake Lane, Elvington                           30mph

·        Naburn                                                           30mph

·        The Revival Estate                                        20mph

Reason: Because the indications are these are appropriate speed limits due to the surrounding environment.


    ii.        That an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order be implemented for 18 months for revised speed limits as advertised for the following sites:

·        A1079, Dunnington                              40mph

·        Towthorpe                                            30mph

·        Shipton Road                                       30mph

Reason: Because this will provide an opportunity to obtain real time speed date to provide confidence that the proposed speed limit will be adhere too.




57.           Parking on the riverside at West Esplanade TRO (11:36)


The Executive Member considered a report that examined the objections raised to the ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions for West Esplanade and offered an Officer recommendation for the outcome. 


The Traffic Management Team Leader presented the report and noted that the Council received two objections following the consultation. The Officer detailed the objections before explaining the current enforcement process and that loading/unloading would still be permitted on the new restrictions.


In response to questions from the Executive Member, the Officer stated that Enforcement Officers on site would look at the activity taken by business to determine whether they were loading/unloading. Moreover, the area along the path, including the car park, was owned by the Council so they could enforce the restrictions. He concluded by stating that the Council would have a discussion with the rowing club to see how they manage the area.



     i.        That the proposal for ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions on West Esplanade as proposed be approved.

Reason: The introduction of the restrictions will remove on street parking that has been occurring at this location and help to remove the conflict of movements between vehicles and pedestrian/cyclist which will increase safety for all users at this location.





58.           Urgent Business - B1228 and Sutton Bridge (11:45)


Following concerns raised by public participants regarding the impact of traffic on B1228 and Sutton Bridge, the Executive Member agreed to consider this matter under Urgent Business.


[The meeting was adjourned from 11:47 to 11:49]


The Director of Transport, Highways and Environment explained that Sutton Bridge was in the ownership and boundary of East Riding of Yorkshire Council. Any changes within York’s boundary would impact upon the East Riding, who had trialled restrictions in the past and abandoned.  He stated that Officers would discuss this issue with East Riding, Parish Councillors and Yorkshire Water, and produce a report on this at a future meeting.



     i.        That the item be deferred to a future Transport Decision Session to allow Officers to consult with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Yorkshire Water.

Reason: Sutton Bridge is in the ownership and boundary of East Riding of Yorkshire.








Cllr A D’Agorne, Executive Member for Transport

[The meeting started at 10.00 am and finished at 11.51 am].




























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